Kawa Kagon
Soar on the flames of burning passion.

Kawa Kagon began his life far differently than other Viera. His parents fled their homeland for unknown reasons, only to end up in the great Nhaama Desert. The nomadic Kagon tribe heard the screams of Kawa's mother going into labor one night, and were able to help her deliver safely, however they couldn't save her life. Kawa may have been left for dead in the desert had he not been born under the full moon on a cloudless night, an auspicious birth to the Nhaama revering Kagon tribe. So, they took him in, where he was raised as a Xaela proper, learning to hunt, fight, and survive in his inhospitable and arid home. As he came of age, things were going well until the Kagon gained a new head. One who had zero tolerance for outsiders. Despite being born and raised with the Kagon, Kawa was forced into exile. But, this did not deter the Viera boy. Instead it ignited a burning, fiery passion in his heart and sent him on the path of a warrior so that he may one day claim his place back home. By force, if necessary.

Name: Kawa Kagon
Age: 32
Nameday: Unknown
Race: Viera (Veena)
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
Personality: Friendly, social, trusting, optimistic, outgoing, determined, loyal, loves to spar and train.
Appearance: Long, tan/grey hair with black tips. Pale white skin tattooed with red and black patterns. Silver eyes that glow slightly akin to a full moon.
Relationships: Coming Soon
Likes: Training, warm weather, good food, conversations, long baths, starry nights, tea and coffee.
Dislikes: Direct sunlight, drunkenness (no issue with a few drinks though), being dirty, dishonesty.

Home Server: Aether
Discord: d1nk
DMs: Open
In game or over Discord?: Both are fine, in game preference but schedule rarely allows much of that.
RP theme preference?: No real preference, shoot any idea you might have at me!
Wandering swordsman: Kawa has spent many years traveling the continent(s) while honing his skills. Perhaps you spotted him before turning in a large bounty, or happened upon him slaying some beast in the wilds. Perhaps you were even saved from a monster or bandit attack by him due to a simple chance encounter. Or, perhaps it was your monster or bandit camp he decided would make a good test of skill...
Socialite: Maybe even more than a good fight, Kawa loves to talk to and meet new people. If someone doesn't approach him at a bar, you can be assured he'll gladly walk right over to you and ask to join your table for a quick or not-so-quick chat.
Always training: When he's not on a job or soaking in some bathhouse, Kawa is almost always developing his sword style further. Implementing elemental fire attacks into his swings, and channeling air to move faster, his flashy and acrobatic fighting style has been called akin to watching a firebird dance. Though he's not famous, it wouldn't be unheard of for small communities to spread rumors of his skills, embellished or otherwise. If your character wants to experience it for themselves, they need only ask for a quick demonstration, or a quick bout.
Willfully Cursed: Kawa has gotten more than a few people questioning his sanity after purposefully seeking a pact with a Voidsent to become a true Reaper. His bright and cheery demeanor sets him apart from his usually gloomy comrades-in-arms, however the unmistakable taint of the Thirteenth follows him around none-the-less. He makes no attempt to mask this presence, and anyone with the slightest bit of Aetheric sensitivity could act on this. Is he a monster in disguise? In need of purification? There's only one way to find out!